
Julie Stearns

Standort: Mülheim a. d. Ruhr

  • Presentation Skills for Academics
  • Voice and Body Coaching
  • Selfmarketing Skills
  • Storytelling Techniques – Science Slam
  • Stage-Coaching

Julie Stearns ist eine erfahrene Trainerin für Präsentation und effektive Kommunikation und zertifizierte Coach (DGfC). In ihren Workshops bringt die gelernte Schauspielerin mehr als 20 Jahre Bühnenerfahrung als Darstellerin, Dramaturgin, Regisseurin und Autorin ein. Durch ihre jahrelange Tätigkeit als Universitätsdozentin ist sie mit den Besonderheiten auch des wissenschaftlichen Präsentierens bestens vertraut. Seit über sechs Jahren coacht sie in ihren Workshops internationale Promovierende aller Disziplinen.


Die Expertise von 20 Jahren als Schauspielerin, Dramaturgin, Autorin und Regisseurin – die gebürtige Amerikanerin Julie Stearns ist schon längst für jede Art von Präsentation die Richtige.


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Julie Stearns
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  • Coaching
  • Meine Seminare
  • Grafik Flipchart

Das sagen Kunden über mich

»High competence and professional… Julie covered and/or touched closely all topics requested by the participants; esp. the direct implementation and practice of learned skills was effective.«

über Make an Impact Seminar, Graduate Center University of Bremen

»The workshop provided required tools not only for conference presentations but also academic presentation in general. The amount and quality of information provided is essential and highly important for every early career researcher or PhD student.«

über Scientific Presentation Seminar, Universität Bremen

»Ms. Stearns is extremely well organized, lucid and responds fluidly to questions. Her analyses and critics are excellent. Very useful.«

über Scientfic Presentation Seminar, Universität zu Köln

»Julie Stearns is engaging, empathic and intelligent. Her online
workshop on presentation skills was highly insightful, offering a
well-adjusted set of theoretical input and practical exercises. It was
also an inspiration to meet somebody so deeply committed to their work,
so eager to help each participant to reach their full individual
potential. Brilliant!«

Assistant Professor
über Scientific Presentation Seminar, Online

»I believe that to learn something, we need high-quality content, a transmission mechanism that is both innovative and thoughtfully developed, and the impression that the lecturer is sincere while still being a professional. All of these were discovered at the workshop "Voice and Body Coaching for the Virtual Stage." The combination of Julie Stearns's knowledge on the topic, her ease to use her voice and body to convey the content, and humble personality makes it easier for me to absorb information. It was one of the few workshops/courses when I was completely immersed in the material and didn't notice the passing of time.«

über Voice and Body Coaching Seminar, Universität Göttingen

»Julie has a good creative and organizational sense, she distributes tasks in the workshop in a dynamic and appropriate way. She also helps us to look 'outside the box', to stop thinking in ways of what is right and wrong and also stop judging. It is for these reasons that I highly recommend her work, you will only benefit from good advice and help to enhance your presence when presenting.«

Nicole Villanueva
über Conference Presentation Seminar, Universität Heidelberg

»I absolutely enjoyed attending the Conference Presentation Workshop. Though it was delivered online, yet the content was very much engaging and Julie succeeded in getting our full attention for almost 7 consecutive hours. The self-reflection activities and peer feedback helped me understand where my problem areas during presentations are and how I can solve them.«

Mai Alqersh
über Conference Presentation Seminar, Online
Anja Frohnen
Prof. Dr. Anja Frohnen Geschäftsführung +49 (0)221 801 29 43 Mo-Fr 8 – 20 Uhr