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Wir sind seit vielen Jahren einer der führenden Trainingsanbieter an Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen und haben inzwischen über 1.600 Seminare mit mehr als 16.000 Teilnehmer:innen durchgeführt.

Unsere Trainings sind von promovierten Akademiker:innen aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen ganz nah am wissenschaftlichen Alltag entwickelt. Wir sind vertraut mit Graduiertenkollegs, Doktorand:innen- und Mentoringprogrammen und kooperieren eng mit verschiedenen Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen, um unsere Trainings immer wieder an die aktuellen Bedürfnisse anzupassen. Dabei setzen wir auf kreative Lernmethoden und wagen öfter mal was Neues. Wir ermutigen unsere Teilnehmer:innen zu neuen Perspektiven und ungewohnten Herangehensweisen. So bleibt Erlerntes nachhaltig im Gedächtnis und ermöglicht Veränderung und Weiterentwicklung.

Unsere Trainings richten sich an Doktorand:innen, Post-Docs, Professor:innen und wissenschaftliche Führungskräfte auf ihrem persönlichen Karriereweg. Wir bieten unsere Seminare in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz sowohl in deutscher als auch englischer Sprache an.

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Best Practices for Virtual Meetings

Running a remote session with poise

2 Tage  |  englisch  |  Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Ric Oquita, Guido Molina, Julie Stearns

“Whose turn is it? … Do we have a connection problem? … Is anyone there?” – Running virtual meetings simply differs from having face-to-face dialogue. Besides handling technical issues, team communication is often challenging and can be met with competent moderation, solid documentation and pro-active feedback. Integrating interactive exercises, trainer input and discussion, this online workshop is designed to acquaint you with the Zoom Pro platform, enabling you to prepare, host, and revise professional virtual meetings.

Mastering the Unexpected

In Talks, Meetings and Discussions

2 Tage  |  englisch
Ric Oquita, Guido Molina

“Sometimes things don’t go as planned and I need to keep my cool instead of panicking. How can I stay focused when dealing with surprises?”

This unique two-day improvisation workshop gives participants the tools to accept the unexpected with confidence. Practical techniques help participants to step out of their comfort zone and to develop their authority, focus their anxiety, prepare for blackouts and become more self-reliant. The training is tailored to individual participant questions and uses role-play to investigate proposed scenarios and to train coping strategies, which can be used in real-world situations.

Make an impact!

Networking and Self-Marketing Skills for Scientists

1-2 Tage  |  englisch  |  Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Julie Stearns, Guido Molina

How can I make an impactin professional contexts such as small-talksituations at conferences? What can help me in situations where I face an international crowd and how can I connect to an interdisciplinary audience? The workshop offers the opportunity to enhance overall effective communication (verbal and non-verbal) in order to improve networking and self-marketing opportunities. The workshop focuses specifically on self-expression in terms of vocal quality, bodylanguage and verbal expression in academic and professional contexts.
The participants learn how to improve their self-marketing skills, advance their research and networking prospects and make the most of their intercultural and interdisciplinary communication opportunities.

Voice and body coaching

Communicating with confidence and accuracy

1-2 Tage  |  englisch  |  Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Julie Stearns, Ric Oquita, Guido Molina

„If only my voice and body could only communicate what I am clearly thinking!“ We know communication is far more than rhetoric. If the words seem to be the right ones, they can still leave you in the lurch. Without tuning in to breath and articulation, the message doesn’t reach the listener. Without the right attitude and dynamic use of the body, language remains buried. This workshop supports the conscious use of voice and body and can be tailored to the needs of every group.

Quick on your feet

Spontaneous speaking practice

1 Tag  |  englisch
Julie Stearns, Ric Oquita, Guido Molina

„The best responses always occur to me after the key moment has passed!” Especially in a foreign language, but often in principle, a quick reaction in the in the heat of the moment is a matter of training. The workshop helps to act appropriately and confidently in the context of many situations relevant to scientific communication – in networks, in discussions and in contacts with high status individuals. As a one-day and a two-day format, this decidedly practical training uses structured feedback and active forms of practice, in both formal and informal situations, to make sure listener’s are getting the message

Keeping Your Talk Fresh

Storytelling techniques for scientific presentations

1-2 Tage  |  englisch  |  Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Ric Oquita, Julie Stearns, Guido Molina

„I’d like to know how to structure my talk and get my point across more creatively.“ Presenters are comfortable using a standard talk structure and want to try something new. Talks rarely vary from the known to the unknown in a compelling way and they want to lead the audience forward to a memorable conclusion. The workshop introduces unique ways of positioning your topic and structuring content by exploring and presenting in a variety of story formats. Central characters, motivation, storyline, action, dramatic tension, transitions and a satisfying conclusion are aspects of the playful investigation.

Conference presentation

Engaging the listener in your talk

2 Tage  |  englisch  |  Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Ric Oquita, Julie Stearns, Guido Molina

„Wow, that presenter is so good in front of an audience. If only that were easier for me!“ Being at the center of attention is not everyone’s cup of tea. But having the talent and know-how is often a question of developing a set of skills and techniques. The use of voice and body language, an effective presentation structure and the dynamic use of language isn’t as easy as it seems, even if it appears that way. The workshop helps to identify and explore these requirements, from self-reflection to self-assurance and long-term excellence.

Anja Frohnen
Prof. Dr. Anja Frohnen Geschäftsführung +49 (0)221 801 29 43 Mo-Fr 8 – 20 Uhr