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Wir sind seit vielen Jahren einer der führenden Trainingsanbieter an Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen und haben inzwischen über 1.600 Seminare mit mehr als 16.000 Teilnehmer:innen durchgeführt.

Unsere Trainings sind von promovierten Akademiker:innen aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen ganz nah am wissenschaftlichen Alltag entwickelt. Wir sind vertraut mit Graduiertenkollegs, Doktorand:innen- und Mentoringprogrammen und kooperieren eng mit verschiedenen Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen, um unsere Trainings immer wieder an die aktuellen Bedürfnisse anzupassen. Dabei setzen wir auf kreative Lernmethoden und wagen öfter mal was Neues. Wir ermutigen unsere Teilnehmer:innen zu neuen Perspektiven und ungewohnten Herangehensweisen. So bleibt Erlerntes nachhaltig im Gedächtnis und ermöglicht Veränderung und Weiterentwicklung.

Unsere Trainings richten sich an Doktorand:innen, Post-Docs, Professor:innen und wissenschaftliche Führungskräfte auf ihrem persönlichen Karriereweg. Wir bieten unsere Seminare in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz sowohl in deutscher als auch englischer Sprache an.

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Dein Seminar

Clear, engaging and persuasive

Academic writing to stand out

2 Tage  |  englisch  |  Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Prof. Dr. Matteo Garavoglia

“How can I make sure my paper stands out from the others…?” Excellent research is fundamental. But so is sharing it effectively with the broader academic community! This seminar supports participants in learning how to structure their academic writing so as to stand out from the crowd by producing writing that is clear, engaging and persuasive. Through its unique one-to one session offered on the second day of the workshop, this can be achieved for academic articles but also for policy briefs, media editorials or funding applications.

Leading up and lateral leadership

Managing the relationship with your supervisors and colleagues

2 Tage  |  englisch  |  Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Prof. Dr. Matteo Garavoglia

„if only I could have a more productive relationship with my supervisor and with my colleagues…my life here would be so much easier!” This seminar nurtures „leading up“ and “lateral leadership” skills to address ongoing challenges with supervisors and colleagues to nudge them toward the goals that matter most to the participants. Crucially, a series of one-to-one meetings on the second day allow participants to discuss their specific situation, eventual challenges they are facing and possible ways forward to improve the relationship with their supervisors and colleagues.

Discrimination, diversity and inclusiveness

Awareness training for academics

2 Tage  |  englisch  |  Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Prof. Dr. Matteo Garavoglia

“I can see there is something strange going on here in terms of discrimination issues… but what is it? And what is my role in all this?” Targeted at academics, this seminar aims to support participants in becoming more aware of existing forms discrimination, to appreciate diversity and to nurture an inclusive professional environment. In doing so, it encourages participants to become proactive “agents for change” within academic contexts and, also, beyond these. The specific issues covered in the workshop include both gender equality and all forms of discrimination.

Paid to research

How to prepare successful funding applications

2 Tage  |  englisch  |  Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Prof. Dr. Matteo Garavoglia

“If only I could get the funding for this great research idea…!” On the way to a permanent position, your researchers depend on ad-hoc funding to finance their project and prove their worth. This seminar supports participants in learning how to adequately prepare their own successful applications for scholarships, travel grants and research funding (both in Germany and beyond). The workshop includes face-to-face sessions to discuss individual situations and prepare successful applications through a dedicated tailor-made approach.

Visible & influential

Networking across boundaries and cultures

2 Tage  |  englisch  |  Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Prof. Dr. Matteo Garavoglia

“How to network to advance my professional prospects?” Participants practice for specific academic contexts (in particular team meetings, international conferences and office small talk) to develop strategies to come into contact with senior scientists. Throughout the workshop, participants will be guided through interactive exercises to improve their body language, their self-marketing skills (pitching) and their long-term strategic networking competences. A healthy mix of theory and practice provides them with the opportunity to learn how to approach, engage and build up a relationship with key professional figures so as to become both more visible and influential in one’s own academic field across boundaries and cultures.

Rhetoric and speaking in public

An introduction to its theory and practice

2 Tage  |  englisch  |  Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Prof. Dr. Matteo Garavoglia

Eloquence and rhetorical skills are a pre-requisite for academic success and professional advancement. But what is rhetoric? What are the key rhetorical techniques available? How can one practice them to her or his advantage? This workshop helps participants to answer these questions by exploriing different rhetorical techniques and their objectives. Crucially, the workshop also gives participants the opportunity to practice and receive feedback together with the other participants. So as to turn brilliant academics into excellent public speakers as well.

Just landed

An introduction to life and academia in Germany

2 Tage  |  englisch  |  Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Prof. Dr. Matteo Garavoglia

“A lot of what you wanted, and even more of what you didn’t expect!” Starting a new life in a foreign country is a significant challenge also when it comes to one’s own research and education. This workshop provides you with crucial support to mitigate the inevitable cultural shocks involved with starting a new professional and personal life by giving you tips on how to manage bureaucracy, administration and a new academic environment. The workshop helps you make the most of the opportunities that Germany has to offer and benefit from intercultural diversity for your personal and academic future.

Almost there

Preparing for the viva defense

2 Tage  |  englisch  |  Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Prof. Dr. Matteo Garavoglia

„If only I could have done it already!“ The dissertation is submitted, the end is in sight… But now, one still has to deal with the Disputation: to present and defend the research work in front of an examining board. This workshop presents strategies to prepare for the final phase of one’s scientific education, as well as to reflect on our own discussion and presentation competences. Crucially, the workshop also teaches techniques for dealing with lack of motivation and anxiety.

Leadership and supervision

Leading with awareness

2 Tage  |  englisch  |  Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Prof. Dr. Matteo Garavoglia

“Why do I always have the feeling of getting it wrong?” Leading and supervising teams in academia can be a lonely affair when there are few opportunities to learn from others. This workshop provides guidance on a broad set of tools and techniques that can be employed to improve one’s own leadership and supervision skills. Understanding the nature of the task, assessing the team’s strengths and weaknesses, setting targets and delegating. So as to learn to adjust leadership and supervision styles according to the needs of the team and to consciously make the most of different management strategies.

Teamwork and communication in international and interdisciplinary groups

“I thought we were on the same page? Now what is he talking about…?”

2 Tage  |  englisch  |  Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Prof. Dr. Matteo Garavoglia

How a person says and hears something may well be different to the way in which it was intended to be said and heard. How a person perceives himself may be different to how others perceive him. Such contradictory perceptions can lead to confusion, disagreement, and even conflicts. In the increasingly intercultural world of science and academic research, there are many occasions for misunderstanding. This workshop focuses on the team, on communication and on cultural influences as the most significant aspects for being heard and understood within your own working community.

Anja Frohnen
Prof. Dr. Anja Frohnen Geschäftsführung +49 (0)221 801 29 43 Mo-Fr 8 – 20 Uhr