
Professorial chair

Dauer: 1-2 Tage // Sprache: englisch // Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Themenfeld: Führung & Teamentwicklung // Zielgruppe: Professor:innen

Management and leadership

“How will I ever have enough time to return to my research activities…?” Holding a professorship means juggling many different tasks and roles. Management techniques and leadership tools will help you cope with the huge number of requirements you are facing. This workshop focuses on structuring your own area of leadership in an efficient and effective way. Based on specific, individual leadership situations it teaches methods that will help you structure your tasks and nurture a “climate of creativity and inspiration” that is results-driven. The objective is to enable participants to identify and free up time for research activities.

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Essential Coaching Skills for Scientists

More effectiveness in supervision and leading

1 Tag  |  englisch  |  Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Prof. Dr. Anja Frohnen

How can I enable my employees to tackle a problem more autonomously and secure the outcome? How can I motivate staff to devote more time, attention and initiative to projects?

Providing professional advice and support to junior scientists is an important part of leadership in science and often involves a considerable investment of time. Research assistants who work in a proactive, results- and goal-oriented manner take the pressure off professors and supervisors.

Essential coaching techniques support the employees‘ independent and goal-oriented solution finding. At the same time, the potential of employees and doctoral candidates is promoted.

Leading up and lateral leadership

Managing the relationship with your supervisors and colleagues

2 Tage  |  englisch  |  Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Prof. Dr. Matteo Garavoglia

„if only I could have a more productive relationship with my supervisor and with my colleagues…my life here would be so much easier!” This seminar nurtures „leading up“ and “lateral leadership” skills to address ongoing challenges with supervisors and colleagues to  nudge them toward the goals that matter most to the participants. Crucially, a series of one-to-one meetings on the second day allow participants to discuss their specific situation, eventual challenges they are facing and possible ways forward to improve the relationship with their supervisors and colleagues.

Discrimination, diversity and inclusiveness

Awareness training for academics

2 Tage  |  englisch  |  Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Prof. Dr. Matteo Garavoglia

“I can see there is something strange going on here in terms of discrimination issues… but what is it? And what is my role in all this?” Targeted at academics, this seminar aims to support participants in becoming more aware of existing forms discrimination, to appreciate diversity and to nurture an inclusive professional environment. In doing so, it encourages participants to become proactive “agents for change” within academic contexts and, also, beyond these. The specific issues covered in the workshop include both gender equality and all forms of discrimination.

Supervising PhD candidates

expertise and leadership

1-2 Tage  |  englisch  |  Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Prof. Dr. Anja Frohnen

Disappointment, misunderstandings, conflicting roles… Even though the working relationship between supervisor and PhD candidate seems to be fairly straightforward, there can be pitfalls along the way. A supervisor must combine discussing issues on an expert level with the role of technical supervisor, which comes with different expectations and demands. This role is often hard to define, because it does not entail disciplinary responsibility. The workshop will show you how to avoid becoming caught between different roles and position yourself in the right way vis-à-vis all actors in your working environment. To this end, we will look at typical conflict scenarios and identify adequate communication strategies.

Anja Frohnen
Prof. Dr. Anja Frohnen Geschäftsführung +49 (0)221 801 29 43 Mo-Fr 8 – 20 Uhr