

Story Telling: Preparing For Science Slam

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  • //   dauer: 1 Minute

16.Oktober 2017, Forschungzentrum Jülich

In the workshop, scientists learn storytelling techniques and explore strategies for creatively
communicating and highlighting core ideas and research. A worksheet will be sent prior to the
workshop, which will help in gathering and forming ideas. Each participant will present their story
and receive plenary feedbacks.
Participants interested in preparing a talk for the up-coming HITEC Science Slam are given the
opportunity to work with Julie Stearns in one-to-one coaching sessions.

One-Day/ / English


Forschungszentrum Jülich, HITEC
Trainerin: Julie Stearns

Anja Frohnen
Prof. Dr. Anja Frohnen Geschäftsführung +49 (0)221 801 29 43 Mo-Fr 8 – 20 Uhr