
Getting it done!

Dauer: 1-2 Tage // Sprache: englisch // Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Themenfeld: Zeit- und Projektmanagement // Zielgruppe: Doktorand:innen

How to complete your dissertation – methods and motivation

“How am I supposed to finish my thesis in such a short period of time?” Things can often get stressful in the final stages of a PhD project. However, you will need to once again summon up considerable reserves of motivation and pursue a strict timetable if you want to avoid grinding to a halt and prevent the pressure from constantly building up. This workshop teaches you how to achieve a degree of flow in the academic writing process rather than being pushed into a spiral of self-hindrance as the result of procrastination. The different methods and strategies will help you develop a realistic project plan that will also increase your motivation.

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Self-leadership under permanent pressure to perform

Short impulse with best practice exchange

0,5 Tage  |  englisch  |  Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Dr. Jan Stamm
Post doc or professors have a particularly efficient way of working and a high
willingness to perform. This is the only way they can cope with their daily work, which is
characterised by many tasks, the highest demands and limited time. At the same time, many
post docs and professors experience that despite all self-optimisation and efficiency, something
does not work out. How can you deal with this limit appropriately? Smart self-leadership always
includes acceptance and self-care. Accepting limits and being mindful of oneself is essential for
leaders. In our Best Practice Exchange, the participants learn how this can be achieved.

AI in Research

Ethical Considerations, Use Cases, and Practical Implementations

1 Tag  |  englisch  |  Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Dr. Daniel Friedrich

AI is transforming society – including the way researchers conduct their work. While many already leverage tools like ChatGPT for grant writing and paper composition, the potential applications of AI extend far beyond these initial scenarios. Discover new use-cases, advanced tools and interfaces, as well as practical tips & tricks to boost your research productivity through responsibly AI usage.

Working effectively and efficiently

Time and project management for postdocs

1-2 Tage  |  englisch  |  Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Dr. Jan Stamm, Dr. Daniel Friedrich

“No way! The deadline is next month already…?” Postdocs need to be able to manage a wide variety of projects, including research, tutoring, teaching and spending sufficient time with your own family. It takes good project and time management to use the resources available to you in the best possible way. This workshop offers different methods and strategies to help you achieve this, with a focus on real-life situations and acute needs. The goal is to reflect on and pragmatically adjust work and self-organization and the highest-priority projects are managed in the best possible way.

Peer Coaching für PostDocs

„Geht es nur mir immer so?“

1-1,5 Tage  |  englisch  |  Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Dr. Jan Stamm

Als Wissenschaftler:in mit einem eigenen, anspruchsvollen Forschungsprojekt werden die vielfältigen Herausforderungen nach Abschluss der Promotion nicht weniger. Um sich bei den Fragen rund um die Arbeit auszutauschen und zu unterstützen, bietet ein Peer Coaching den geeigneten Rahmen. Das oft als Quadratur des Kreises erlebte Multitasking als Forscher:in, Lehrer:in, Manager:in und Mensch mit Privatleben kann in seinen Problemstellungen via Feedback und Beratung neu bewertet und strukturiert werden. Der Kick-Off-Workshop vermittelt die Arbeitsweise von Peer-Coaching-Teams und initiiert eine Probesitzung.

Anja Frohnen
Prof. Dr. Anja Frohnen Geschäftsführung +49 (0)221 801 29 43 Mo-Fr 8 – 20 Uhr