
Getting started

Dauer: 1-2 Tage // Sprache: englisch // Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Themenfeld: Zeit- und Projektmanagement // Zielgruppe: Doktorand:innen

The path to a successful doctorate

“Do I have a plan for how to achieve my PhD? How do I define priorities and draw up a schedule? What is required for the process of writing?” A PhD project lasting a number of years will raise many questions requiring individual and tailor-made solutions. This workshop will help you develop your individual strategy ensuring that your planning will both be effective and efficient in achieving your goal. You will not only learn more about self-management methods, but will also identify and explore external resources such as dealing with the expectations of others and receiving active support from your supervisors.

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Unsere Trainer*innen

Ähnliche Seminare

Self-leadership under permanent pressure to perform

Short impulse with best practice exchange

0,5 Tage  |  englisch  |  Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Dr. Jan Stamm
Post doc or professors have a particularly efficient way of working and a high
willingness to perform. This is the only way they can cope with their daily work, which is
characterised by many tasks, the highest demands and limited time. At the same time, many
post docs and professors experience that despite all self-optimisation and efficiency, something
does not work out. How can you deal with this limit appropriately? Smart self-leadership always
includes acceptance and self-care. Accepting limits and being mindful of oneself is essential for
leaders. In our Best Practice Exchange, the participants learn how this can be achieved.

Working effectively and efficiently

Time and project management for postdocs

1-2 Tage  |  englisch  |  Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Dr. Jan Stamm, Dr. Daniel Friedrich

“No way! The deadline is next month already…?” Postdocs need to be able to manage a wide variety of projects, including research, tutoring, teaching and spending sufficient time with your own family. It takes good project and time management to use the resources available to you in the best possible way. This workshop offers different methods and strategies to help you achieve this, with a focus on real-life situations and acute needs. The goal is to reflect on and pragmatically adjust work and self-organization and the highest-priority projects are managed in the best possible way.

Peer Coaching für PostDocs

„Geht es nur mir immer so?“

1-1,5 Tage  |  englisch  |  Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Dr. Jan Stamm

Als Wissenschaftler:in mit einem eigenen, anspruchsvollen Forschungsprojekt werden die vielfältigen Herausforderungen nach Abschluss der Promotion nicht weniger. Um sich bei den Fragen rund um die Arbeit auszutauschen und zu unterstützen, bietet ein Peer Coaching den geeigneten Rahmen. Das oft als Quadratur des Kreises erlebte Multitasking als Forscher:in, Lehrer:in, Manager:in und Mensch mit Privatleben kann in seinen Problemstellungen via Feedback und Beratung neu bewertet und strukturiert werden. Der Kick-Off-Workshop vermittelt die Arbeitsweise von Peer-Coaching-Teams und initiiert eine Probesitzung.

Peer coaching for post-docs

“Is it only me?”

1-1,5 Tage  |  englisch  |  Auch als Online-Workshop verfügbar
Dr. Jan Stamm

As an academic with your own demanding research project, the number of challenges facing you once the PhD thesis has been successfully concluded will not decrease. Peer coaching is the perfect platform for talking about your own project to others and giving each other mutual support. The multitasking you need to cope with as a researcher, teacher, manager and private individual can seem an impossible hurdle to overcome, yet the problems it brings can be reassessed and restructured on the basis of feedback and consultation. The kick-off workshop will give you an idea of how peer coaching teams work and will guide you through a trial session.

Anja Frohnen
Prof. Dr. Anja Frohnen Geschäftsführung +49 (0)221 801 29 43 Mo-Fr 8 – 20 Uhr