»The seminar exceeded my expectations! I was pleasantly surprised by the quantity of high-quality individual tips and training. We were asked repeatedly what kind of feedback we'd like to individually focus on. That got me to focus on aspects I did not have in mind before the workshop. It was encouraging for me to stick to my own style of presenting! I come across more confident, authentic, and hence more enjoyable as a speaker than usual.«
Simon Holtbrügge, Integrated Graduate School Solvation Science - Graduate School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Ruhr-University Bochum
»I was surprised by the trainer’s dedication and the dynamic atmosphere, which persisted throughout the course. The trainer’s teaching method gave a best-practice example ... with ample opportunity for hands-on practice.«
Dr.-Ing. Daniel Schulte, M.Sc., TU Darmstadt
»Ric´s wonderful workshop gave me a lot of insights, tips and techniques from how to structure a talk, through the use of engaging language, to non-verbal elements such as gestures, eye contact and working with space. Video recordings of our talks proved to be very useful in pinpointing to strengths and limitations. The workshop gave me an increased level of confidence in my abilities to deliver a presentation. And my first „big“ talk at the congress went really well!«
Dr. Füzéki, Institute for Sports Sciences, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
»I saw interesting improvements in the other participants, from PhD students to young group leaders until people who were just appointed as professors - that was quite impressive! Especially to notice how people that are already quite good in their presentation and communication skills can make a transition from good to great! The workshop was also very flexible and tailored to each one's need.«
Dr. Chiara Barbieri, Max Planck Institut für Menschheitsgeschichte, Jena
»Ric's workshop gave me creative tools to be able to do my presentations in a focused, clear and confident way. A few days after the training, I had a presentation that went very well. I had not experienced that before, because I usually felt very insecure and confused trying to transmit the complexity of the research in a clear, focused and creative way. Ric manages, in the short space-time of the workshop, to generate structural changes needed in academic presentations, especially at a time when we need to keep our talks fresh in increasingly digital spaces.«
Elizabeth Gallón Droste, International Research Training Group “Temporalities of Future“, Freie Universität Berlin
»The workshop “Voice Training for the Virtual Stage” was a valuable experience for me. In the limited time of the workshop, Ric quickly established a safe environment to practice and not feel judged. I was facing a virtual presentation challenge, namely hosting a Q and A session in Zoom about my poster at an online conference. Ric and I practiced managing this situation which greatly helped me feel more confident and calmer during the conference itself. I highly recommend this workshop to improve presentation skills and virtual interactions.«
Zoë Goldsborough, Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, Department for the Ecology of Animal Societies
»Working with Ric surpassed by far my expectations of working with a coach for preparing my ERC consolidator presentation. Ric gave not only the feedback I would expect in terms of clarity of the presentation, content and style, but he also brought up aspects of speech, pronunciation rhythm and delivery that I didn’t think of before. Ric gave very actionable suggestions that in a matter of a couple of sessions made my presentation one of the best I have ever given. Ric is also very enthusiastic, full of energy, and pleasant to work with.«
Jan Brugues, Group Leader MPI of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, MPI for Physics of Complex Systems
»I spent two great days with Ric in this interactive workshop, which was skillfully and perfectly managed. The engaging environment of the workshop combined with the valuable and to-the-point techniques and resources shared with us made it a fruitful one.«
Ali Pashazadeh, Postdoctoral Fellowship and Project Coordinator, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
»Ric’s Workshop war der Ausgangspunkt für eine spannende Reise voller guter Entdeckungen. Ich habe an diesen Tagen richtig viel gelernt. Ric hat einen wunderbaren Workshop mit viel Liebe zum Detail, zum Wohlfühlen und Entdecken durchgeführt. Dahinter steht viel Vorbereitung und Konzentration an den Workshop-Tagen. Dabei hat Ric es geschafft, eine Atmosphäre zu erzeugen, in der wir unbefangen üben konnten. Und er ist sehr individuell auf jede und jeden von uns eingegangen. In meinem Fall waren die Hinweise Gold wert. Inzwischen habe ich meine Dissertation abgegeben. Statt vor dem Kolloquium zu zittern, freue ich mich richtig darauf und sehe es als Spielwiese für meine neu erworbenen Fähigkeiten.«
Anna Herzog, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Niederrhein Institut für Regional- und Strukturforschung, NIERS Hochschule Niederrhein
»I would like to express my sincerest gratitude for the workshop you conducted. The depth of knowledge you shared and the engaging way in which you led the sessions were truly remarkable. The insights and techniques I’ve learned are not just valuable—they are transformative. I am confident that the takeaways from this training will stay with me for a lifetime, influencing both my professional journey and personal growth. Furthermore, the practical exercises and the collaborative environment you fostered among the participants have left a lasting impression. I must say, your passion for the subject is infectious, and it has inspired me to delve deeper into the subject matter.«
Samia Afzal, Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University Magdeburg